Watch the filmWatch the space launchThe Better Travel Pillow that Actually Works!SkyDreamerbetter SUPPORTbetter COMFORTbetter SLEEPDesign by an Aerospace Engineer.The SkyDreamer is engineered
for how we travel today.
The SkyDreamer travels all over the globe! Translate this page into another language:
The Travel ChallengeWe now sleep
more upright
when we travel.Our neck muscles are now doing the work that gravity once did - throwing us into an endless Sleep-Wake Cycle.When traveling we don't always have control over our sleeping environments.Learn why. Learn the science See the Sleep-Wake Cycle
✓ Perfectly aligned Forward Head Support.✓ No Forward Neck or Head Displacement.✓ No more Slouching Necks.Sleep Soundly.Sleep Ergonomically.
Design &InnovationsWe broke the evolutionary design rulesto revolutionize the travel pillow.Learn more here
Materials &CraftsmanshipPrecision constructionLearn more here
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Safeguard your Spinal HealthForward Head Support is Important for
Long-Term Musculoskeletal Health."With every inch of forward head droop,
your head can add an additional 10 pounds (4.5 kg) of compressive weight on your thoracic spine."Learn more here
The SkyDreamer Crown JewelsWhat makes it all Work.EVOLVED THINKINGThe Twin CradleForward head support that prevents head droop.Learn more here
Watch how to adjustWhere the neck goes, so does the head.Our thin profile design discourages forward neck & head displacement.The Slim Adjustable NeckbandLESS IS BESTLearn more here
WEIGHT REDISTRIBUTIONThe Centerline ArchRedirects head weight outward and away from the body center.No pressure on your chest while sleeping.Learn more here
CLEVER SIMPLICITYHideaway TotebagNever misplace your tote bag again.Tethered tote-bag conveniently stows away into your Slim Adjustable Neckband.Watch video Learn more here
Watch the EvolutionThe SkyDreamer has not always
looked as it does today.Many design iterationsfor your best flight's sleep.
Reinvigorate Yourself while
On the Go!R3✓ Realign Cervical Spine
✓ Revitalize Appearance
✓ Reinvigorate Mental Acuity
Travelers love the SkyDreamer Travel Pillow
“…I’ve taken trips with the SkyDreamer from Los Angeles to Scandinavia, Alaska, Hawaii and back, I can attest that it actually does allow me to sleep through overnight flights! more
Joseph SlikerFilmmaker
“I slept so long that even the flight attendant commented (on it) as I was disembarking the plane.” more
Maeve DaughartyOceanographer
“This pillow gives me the comfort that I want and support I need. I can finally sleep peacefully at 30,000 feet!” more
Karl ChiccaRace Car Driver and Owner of Life’s Good–Life’s Good Racing