When we experience head droop.• Higher compression loads on the upper thoracic vertebra.
• Compressed suboccipital nerves in the neck.
• A diminished ability of the hyoid muscles to lift the first rib during inhalation.• Muscle strain and soreness.
• Headaches felt at the base of the skull or pain and pressure around the sinuses.
• An inhibited ability to take full breathes while sleeping.Our body may experience...How we may feel the effects...
When we experience head droop.• Higher compression loads on the upper thoracic vertebra.
• Compressed suboccipital nerves in the neck.
• A diminished ability of the hyoid muscles to lift the first rib during inhalation.• Muscle strain and soreness.
• Headaches felt at the base of the skull or pain and pressure around the sinuses.
• An inhibited ability to take full breathes while sleeping.Our body may experience...How we may feel the effects...
When we experience head droop.• Higher compression loads on the upper thoracic vertebra.
• Compressed suboccipital nerves in the neck.
• A diminished ability of the hyoid muscles to lift the first rib during inhalation.• Muscle strain and soreness.
• Headaches felt at the base of the skull or pain and pressure around the sinuses.
• An inhibited ability to take full breathes while sleeping.Our body may experience...How we may feel the effects...